Aug 1, 2017
To reduce woody vegetation in and along right-of-ways and easements, a butchering device attached to a tractor is used by municipalities...

Jul 1, 2017
Not as Good as You Might Think
This landscape job was done by "professionals." They obviously DO NOT know plants AND/OR were trying to build the bill for the trusting...

May 31, 2017
Lazy & Incompetent
As evidenced here, maples have a shallow root system. This red maple was planted by "professionals landscapers" who did not plant it...

Apr 30, 2017
This old field is in the process of succeeding to forest but the successional species now include exotic invasives. The white flowering...

Apr 1, 2017
They Get Bigger Than You Think
Woody plants are indeterminate growers, i..e., they do not stop growing, unless dormant, until they die. The garden center lables...

Mar 1, 2017
Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. A bird, having recently eaten a mulberry fruit or two, defecates while perched on a planted...

Feb 1, 2017
Frost Heave
When the water in soil freezes it causes an upward swelling of the ground which can result in the heaving of recently planted specimens,...

Jan 1, 2017
Lawn Boy Landscape
Not sure where to begin here. I get what was trying to be done but, NO! (1) the plants (boxwoods) should have been actually planted, (2)...

Dec 1, 2016
Needs to be Mowed - Really?
This is what my front yard looked like at about 7 o'clock P.M. in late August (2016) after nearly 10-inches of rain over a 3-day period. ...

Oct 31, 2016
Burning Bush
The exotic burning bush (Euonymous alatus) is one of the most commonly planted large shrubs. Note that even the compact forms get at...