- Apr 1, 2017
They Get Bigger Than You Think
Woody plants are indeterminate growers, i..e., they do not stop growing, unless dormant, until they die. The garden center lables...
- Mar 1, 2017
Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. A bird, having recently eaten a mulberry fruit or two, defecates while perched on a planted...
- Feb 1, 2017
Frost Heave
When the water in soil freezes it causes an upward swelling of the ground which can result in the heaving of recently planted specimens,...
- Jan 1, 2017
Lawn Boy Landscape
Not sure where to begin here. I get what was trying to be done but, NO! (1) the plants (boxwoods) should have been actually planted, (2)...
- Dec 1, 2016
Needs to be Mowed - Really?
This is what my front yard looked like at about 7 o'clock P.M. in late August (2016) after nearly 10-inches of rain over a 3-day period. ...
- Nov 1, 2016
Burning Bush
The exotic burning bush (Euonymous alatus) is one of the most commonly planted large shrubs. Note that even the compact forms get at...
- Oct 1, 2016
MAINTENANCE: PROCESS NOT AN EVENT - Gardens/landscapes require ongoing maintenance. There is no such thing as a zero maintenance plant or...
- Sep 1, 2016
Too Close
TOO CLOSE - No woody plants stop getting bigger until they die, unless dormant or pruned (and pruning often spoils the specimen and...
- Aug 1, 2016
Volcano Mulching
VOLCANO MULCHING is a common practice but, regardless of whether you like the look, it is bad for the plant for several reasons (see...