Jun 1, 2018
Taking a Break
Sometimes you just have to get away. The activities in the garden in early summer are numerous. Hectic is a good descriptor. And...

Apr 30, 2018
Mulching & Black is Better, Not
The use of shredded wood mulch, while wide spread, is fairly recent in origin, and there is no natural equivalent to this covering of...

Mar 31, 2018
Marginally Zone Hardy
The main limiting climactic factor for potentially perennial plants in our gardens is whether or not the species is winter hardy (e.g.,...

Mar 1, 2018
Too Close to Home
TOO CLOSE TO HOME is the title for a TV drama by Tyler Perry, but it also describes many woody plants that are planted "too close" to...

Feb 1, 2018
IT Overwhelmed the Tree
One of the worst horticultural decisions a property owner can make is to plant wintercreeper (Euonymous fortunei) or to allow it to...

Jan 1, 2018
Truth in Advertising. Surprise!
Winter is the time many gardeners visit gardening websites and printed literature, especially catalogues. It is also the time to order...

Dec 1, 2017
Volcano Mulching, Again
I have said it before and will again and again, one of the most common bad landscaping practices is volcano mulching. Whether or not you...

Nov 1, 2017
Leaves. The Best Compost/Mulch
If you are doing this (see photo above) you should reconsider. Why? 1. The bags (which you fetched and paid for) are made from oil,...

Sep 30, 2017
Wooly Worms and Other Malarky
We as a species and society are prone to making things up, superstition and wives' tales. It shows just how primitive and gullible our...

Sep 1, 2017
Surprise! Here I am
A major environmental and gardening issue is invasive species. We focus on the hardy exotic (non-native) species as regards invasive...