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This field along an interstate is in the process of succeeding back to forest, except the succession has been  changed in recent years due to the invasive nature of exotic invasives.  The species in featured in the photo are the usual suspect: ornamental (gallery) pear with white flowers, teasel (fore ground) s

This old field is in the process of succeeding to forest but the successional species now include exotic invasives. The white flowering tree is ornamental (callery) pear, teasel is in the fore ground and ravennae or false pampas grass (hard to see in this spring shot) is interspersed. FYI: the flowers of callery pear smell like fish. Adding to the reasons this Asian native is a terrible ornamental choice is the fact the branches are prone to fracturing. The evergreen is red cedar, a native species that is becoming more common. Before the onslaught of these invasives, the field (in north Indianapolis) would have succeeded to a beech maple dominated forest. Time will tell if that will be the future status here and in similar sites since callery pear forms dense almost impenetrable forests nearby.

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